Wireless communication nethwork and supervisory robot in agribusiness 4.0 for integration, monitoring and control in operations

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Wireless communication nethwork and supervisory robot in agribusiness 4.0 for integration, monitoring and control in operations

Josivaldo G. Silva, Cristiane Peres Marques, Gabriel Masiero Lima Silveira and Lucas Estrada da Costa


Agribusiness is responsible for the generation of economic wealth and food in the world. For this reason, there is a need to make it even more productive and with a lower production cost compared to agribusiness in the 20th century. This research sought to show the need to use the concepts and technologies of industry 4.0 starting with the wireless communication network that integrates distant points in addition to supervisory robots responsible for monitoring this information, presenting it in graphical and table form and also allowing interaction with the devices responsible for production. The exchange of reliable and wireless information is essential to streamline and optimize decision making by manager and thus be able to interact with production through supervisory robot. The results confirm the importance of applying the concepts and technologies of industry 4.0 in agribusiness 4.0 to be able to produce more and at the same time have a lower production cost compared to the 20th century. Agribusiness 4.0 integrates the value chains of new technologies and ecosystems, being able to generate more wealth and improve the meeting of global food needs.

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