Weed dynamics under two management methods in an agroforestry system
International Journal of Development Research
Weed dynamics under two management methods in an agroforestry system
Received 04th January, 2022; Received in revised form 11th January, 2022; Accepted 25th February, 2022; Published online 28th March, 2022
Copyright © 2022, Thiago Gomes de Sousa Oliveira et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Weeds are a problem in conventional farming systems and an even bigger problem when dealing with agro forestry systems due to the difficulties of controlling machinery in these spaces. This study evaluates the occurrence of weeds under two control methods in an agro forestry system. The monitoring took place for 20 months under two weed control regimes: mechanized and semi-mechanized. It used calculations of relative frequency relative density, Shannon diversity, Pielou equitability and the SAS STEPDISC PROC procedure to identify the most discriminant species of each treatment. The species with the highest frequency and relative density in the treatments were B. verticillata, S. cordifolia, U. plantigenea, and D. sanguinalis in mechanized and Sabiceaamazonensis and Scleriagaertneri Raddiin semi-mechanized. The mechanized regime presented greater diversity, equitability, and richness of weeds. The most prevalent species according to PROC STEPDISC were Digitariasanguinalis (L.) and Urochloaplantaginea for mechanized and Scleriagaertneri Raddi and Sabiceaamazonensis for semi-mechanized.