Violence against women, violation of human rights: an Apprasial on Indian context
International Journal of Development Research
Violence against women, violation of human rights: an Apprasial on Indian context
This Violence against women is a form of gender discrimination and violation of human rights persists all over the world. International bodies are trying to protect women’s rights and dignity through various treaties and declarations. Even though there is raising awareness against these issues there has been little progress in reducing the violence against women and leaving millions of women to live in to extreme misery and pain. There are different forms of violence against women, either in the form of physical, sexual, psychological and economic. Women are subjected to violence in a wide range of set up, such as family, community, work places, armed conflicts etc and new technologies may create new forms of violence. Any kind of violence against women is the violation of human rights. This study mainly focusing on violence against women as human right violation in Indian context and an appraisal of existing laws.
Methodology: the study draws evidence from existing researches and available literature. The main data sources are from reports of UN, Case studies of different international organizations like WHO, UNFPA, World Bank, reports of NGOs working on women’s rights, constitution and statutes of India.