User satisfaction in basic care in Brazil: knowledge synthesis

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

User satisfaction in basic care in Brazil: knowledge synthesis

Adalvane Nobres Damaceno and Danieli Bandeira


Understanding the different perspectives reaffirm the guidelines advocated in the Primary Care area, especially in identifying user satisfaction. The Basic Health Units in Brazil play a central role in guaranteeing the population access to quality health care. The present investigation is a narrative review of the literature that aimed to Analyze what has been produced in the scientific literature about the satisfaction of users in the services offered in Primary Care - Primary Health Care. Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and the sample of this review five articles. Achieving the quality of Health Services has been reported as one of the main challenges and problems related to assistance in the context of Primary Care, being the user one of the main evaluators of this process through what is offered. Thus, observing productions involving this one is fundamental for the strengthening of the Primary Care care model, and, above all, to identify vulnerable points of the service provided.

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