Use of different doses of dinamic: a research study

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Use of different doses of dinamic: a research study


Introduction: In the sugarcane production scenario, Brazil stands out as the world's largest producer. In this context, straw is the most recent co-product of the crop, and its accumulation in the field was triggered by the change in the harvesting method. In raw cane areas, drastic reductions in the incidence of grass weeds and high infestations with Ipomoea spp and Euphorbia heterophylla are observed. In this regard, Among the herbicides registered for the cultivation of sugarcane, with potential for use in raw cane, amicarbazone is registered in Brazil under the trade name of Dinamic. Objective: To evaluate the effect of different doses of Dinamic on sugarcane production. Materials and Methods: Area Information, Biometric Methodology, Monthly Rainfall in the Experiment Period, Monitoring Image, Soil Classification. Variables were presented in percentage, mean and standard deviation format. Depending on the Gaussian distribution (Normality test), comparisons of variables were performed using the One-Way ANOVA Test (Tukey) between the variables in the present study, considering p<0.05 with statistical significance. Results and conclusion: The treatments showed no statistically significant difference (p<0.05; Tukey 5%) in tonne of cane per hectare and internodes in both farms. Still, the diameter of farm 63728 did not show a statistical difference, however, in farm 63010 the diameter and tillers/m showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05), with the best dose being 0.8 (2x) and 1.2/ 1.6 respectively. For height, the treatments showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05; Tukey 5%), with Dinamic at 1.4 kg/ha being the best dose for this variable on farm 63728, and the best dose for farm 63010 was 2.0 kg/ha, and in both farms, the doses were higher than Dinamic.

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