Urban mobility in smart cities: a case study in the city of curitiba

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Urban mobility in smart cities: a case study in the city of curitiba

Fabiano Scriptore de Carvalho, Rosângela de França Bail, Regina Negri Pagani, Luiz Alberto Pilatti, João Luiz Kovaleski and Daiane Maria de Genaro Chiroli


This study addresses the urban mobility in the city of Curitiba, whoseissue is of vital importance for large cities, directly impacting the quality of life of citizens. Curitiba has been recognized worldwide for the quality of its public transportation, especially with the introduction of the Bus Rapid Transit and its exclusive lanes, but in recent years the city has suffered a negative impact due to the growth of the automobile fleet and the lack of investment in public transportation in new modes to meet the needs of users. The city has been living with serious problems such as crowded public transportation and traffic jams. This article aims to make a case study of urban mobility in the city of Curitiba. The systematic literature review methodology called Methodi Ordinatio was used to select the most relevant articles on the subject. As a result, it was possible to verify that, even having a public transportation infrastructure with exclusive lanes for BRT, the city is suffering the impacts of the growth of the automobile fleet and it is necessary to apply public policies to avoid the exhaustion of the public transportation system, with investments in new modalities, flexibilization of working hours, and the creation of new bike lanes.

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