A unique case report of endoscopic vallecular cyst excision by use of a co-ablator

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

A unique case report of endoscopic vallecular cyst excision by use of a co-ablator

Dr. Sathe Nilam Uttam, Dr. Talati Priyank, Dr. Taku Anjali and Dr. Pawara Muniram


Vallecular cysts are quite rare entities, & most publications in the literature are case reports that describe neonatal airway obstruction or difficult intubation in adults . Conservative management is usually performed in asymptomatic cases. Treatment options include cyst aspiration, marsupialization, surgical debulking, & laser excision in symptomatic cases. Here we discuss the unique excision of a vallecular cyst in an elderly patient with the help of a coablator.

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