Therapeutic applications of cloning in odontology

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
13 pages
Research Article

Therapeutic applications of cloning in odontology

Sidqui, M. and Rhattas, S.


Therapeutic cloning opens new perspectives for regenerative medicine, it would represent a major advance in the fight against diseases now considered incurable, and would save many lives. Therapeutic cloning involves transferring the nucleus of a cell, taken from an adult organism in an enucleated oocyte to obtain embryonic stem cell lines used for therapeutic purposes, they are then genetically identical to the individual from whom was removed the cell of the transferred nucleus, and will result in no signs of rejection, which is a huge health benefit, but the difficulty of obtaining human blastocysts hinders their use leaving room for adult stem cells. Endodontics, periodontics and dental prosthesis are all returned in a new use of stem cells to repair and even to regenerate natural teeth.

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