Teaching of nursing in mental health and psychiatry through teaching discourse in manaus-amazonas

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Teaching of nursing in mental health and psychiatry through teaching discourse in manaus-amazonas

Gilmara Rocha de Oliveira, Leonardo Alexandre de Lima and João Carlos Silva de Oliveira


We investigate how the teaching takes place in mental health and psychiatry in Nursing undergraduate courses in the speeches of teachers who teach this discipline in ten community colleges in the city of Manaus, Amazonas, two of them public, and eight private. The period of data collection was from February to May 2014. We used a qualitative research, descriptive and exploratory, with the data collection technique, interviews and structured questionnaires for analysis using Bardin, where there was the possibility of Careful analysis of the material. In the results, we noted in speeches teachers the potential presence of traditionalist trends in the teaching-learning process, and lessons aimed at hospitalocêntricos paradigms. We conclude that nursing education in mental health require a theoretical framework based on paradigms consistent with local realities and the Unified Health System.

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