Teaching and public policy for inclusive education in brazil: brief analytical considerations
International Journal of Development Research
Teaching and public policy for inclusive education in brazil: brief analytical considerations
Received 26th February, 2020; Received in revised form 20th March, 2020; Accepted 29th April, 2020; Published online 25th May, 2020
Copyright © 2020, Ailton Batista de Albuquerque Junior et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This article, based on a bibliographical research for theoretical-methodological basis, conceptualizes what is Public Policy in order to, a posteriori, make considerations regarding Special Education and Inclusive Education, punctuating the historical-Brazilian genealogy of some public policies and their unfolding in contemporaneity from the typification of rights of people with disabilities; global development disorders; high skills/superdotation; problems, disorders and learning difficulties, in current legal provisions. In this sense, it is noticeable, gradually, historical advances and some setbacks in education in an inclusive perspective. For this, the creation and implementation of propositive policies of social and educational change is urgent, aiming at a pedagogical practice based on inclusion, democracy and respect for the singularities, idiosyncrasies and subjectivities that compose the subjects of this segment.