Teacher’s mental health in the student-teacher relationship

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Teacher’s mental health in the student-teacher relationship

Ana Paula Sérvio Sousa, Anna Cecília da Silva Bugyja de Souza Britto, Geyslla Milleny Kelly Krause de Sousa, Karoline Oliveira Silva, Kayryana da Silva Sousa Lira Lemos and Maria Gomes Rodrigues


Objective: to explain the situations faced by higher education teachers in the classroom , relating their relationship with students and the consequences that this can cause them and the institution , as well as to emphasize the importance of promoting mental health in the learning environment. Methodology: this is a study based on the literature review , which enables the ability to systematize scientist knowledge and helps the researcher to approach the problem hey wants to appreciate. Result: the teacher is placed daily in problems that involves his mental health and that of the student, eventually causing some psychological damage to both parties due to difficulties in communication between them, as well as physical and psychological damage analyzers that affect the routine within classroom. Conclusion: it is clear how the institutional alliance with the teacher and the student in the student space is important, for the promotion of mental health and a good relationship in the environment to take place, as well as valuing the emotional well-being of all.

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