Tangential documentary review that allowed the reorganization of health services in the covid-19 pandemic

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Tangential documentary review that allowed the reorganization of health services in the covid-19 pandemic

Laudicéia Rodrigues Crivelaro, Franciele Costa da Silva Perez, Anelvira Oliveira Florentino, Amanda Aparecida Camargo de Oliveira, Claudia Rosana Trevisani Corrêa, Silvana Anunciação da Silva, Deborah Catherine Salles Bueno, Adriane Lopes, Cássia Marques da Rocha Hoelz and Cassiana Mendes Bertoncello Fontes


Objective: Analyze the documents in the form of ordinances, decrees and federal laws that allowed the reorganization of health services in the pandemic. Methodology: Theoretical, descriptive study of critical document analysis of electronic material made available on the websites of the Ministry of Health. Results: COVID-19 demanded a high demand from the Unified Health System in Brazil, at different levels of care and complexity, totally outside the usual standards, with emphasis on the need for highly complex hospital resources to treat about 5% of patients of severe cases and readjustment of health services. Final Considerations: The material constructed resulted from a consolidation of the actions developed by all the municipalities that make up the aforementioned Health Care Network, according to each local reality, to face the pandemic.

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