Takradhara: Treatment Modalities As A Panchakarma

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Takradhara: Treatment Modalities As A Panchakarma

Dr. Sujata Sopanrao Kale and Dr. Vijay B. Mane


Dhara is one of the pleasant as well as popular therapies. ‘Dhara’ is the procedure in which medicated oil, milk or buttermilk is poured in a continuous stream on the head especially on the forehead and when ‘Takra’ is poured on the forehead & scalp, it is called Takradhara. This Takradhara cures premature grey hair, fatigue, infirmity and emaciation, headache, lack of vitality, pricking pains of palm and sole, diabetes, lack of proper functioning of the limb, joints, pains in the chest, heart diseases, indigestion, dyspepsia and diseases of the eyes, nose, throat & ears. Although there are many physicians conducting this treatment, only few manage it with a thorough understanding of its principles. Actually ‘Dhara’ is good for all diseases. Changing the liquid as per the dosha condition with necessary alteration in its process is useful to alleviate any Dosha. They are mainly grouped as Moordhanya (on the head), Sarvanga (all over the body) and Pradeshika (local). The most important of this is Moordhyanya. It is employed in diseases like insanity, diseases of the head and eyes, chronic cold, sinusitis (pinasa), diseases of the ear, mouth, vata diseases etc. There are many varieties of Moordhnidhara, among them Takradhara, Ksheeradhara, Stanyadhara and Snehadhara. Takra has Pancha-Rasa except Lavana Rasa, Amla Vipaka, Ushna Virya, and Vata Kaphaghna property. Takra (Buttermilk) contains large amount of lactic acid. It is scientifically proved that lactic acid is used to moisten and diminish the appearance the conditions like thickened psoriatic scales so very useful in it. This Dhara also alleviates the derangement of the three doshas and improves the power of all sensory organs. Overall Takrahara is non invasive and simple, cost effective as well as pleasant remedy.

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