Sweet water program – pad and sustainability: Development actions in the Brazilian semiarid region

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Sweet water program – pad and sustainability: Development actions in the Brazilian semiarid region

Michael Douglas Sousa Leite; Pablo Phorlan Pereira de Araújo; Valdeir Gonçalves da Silva Filho; Samara Nóbrega de Oliveira; Odilon Lúcio de Sousa Neto; Tiago Douglas Cavalcante Carneiro; Pablo Sthefano Roque de Souza Bandeira; Osmando Formiga Ney; Alysson Emanuel de Sousa Nogueira; Kaio Luís de Azevêdo Santos; Anastácia Borges Bento; Ênnio Karlos Muniz de Medeiros; Antonio Lopes da Silva; Mariana Ferreira Pessoa; Agilio Tomaz Marques; Ana Karine Gomes de Figueiredo; José Junho Rodrigues and Kylvia Luciana Pereira Costa


The main objective of this article is to analyze the actions of the Sweet Water Program – PAD in the development of the Brazilian semi-arid region. Initiatives such as the Sweet Water Program, which promote the sustainable use of water, directly contribute to combating the effects of climate change. It is an effort by the government to internalize such concerns, disseminating good practices in the sustainable use of water. This isanexploratory, descriptivestudywith a qualitative approach, bibliographical and documentary. Given what was exposed about the Sweet Water Program - PAD as an instrument of the public policy of access to water. Regarding the experience in the semi-arid region, it found positive points arising from the presence of the program in the rural community, mainly in the supply of good quality drinking water throughout the year, not depending on the seasonality of the rains or the supply of water trucks in periods of prolonged drought. The program's action, in addition to presenting itself effectively in the provision of water resources for the community, therefore, responds to the positive socio-environmental and socio-economic aspects for the rural territory.

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