Subclinical pulmonary dysfunction in radiology technicians

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Subclinical pulmonary dysfunction in radiology technicians

Apoliane Lima Macedo Santana and Danilo Rocha Santos Caracas


Pulmonary function tests are widely used to assess possible injuries associated with radiation exposure. In order to answer the research question, the objective was to analyze the prevalence of subclinical pulmonary dysfunction in radiology technicians. This study is an applied research, with quantitative, descriptive, exploratory and cross-sectional approach. The main findings for the unfolding of this research would be the numbers found correlated with the prevalence of ventilatory disorders. However, in the twenty individuals analyzed, only one, corresponding to 5% of the researched population, presented spirometric findings compatible with obstructive ventilatory disorder, and the remaining 95. % with values reaching limits within normal range. From the functional parameters obtained by spirometry, no significant percentages of subclinical pulmonary dysfunction were evidenced in radiology technicians in the city of Vitória da Conquista - BA. That said, the research question that guided this academic effort was answered and all objectives met. The knowledge that this study has generated along with other existing studies, even if scarce and others to come, will provide an overview of the prevalence of subclinical pulmonary dysfunctions in radiology technicians and will contribute to the development of strategies and public policies for prevention.

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