A study on economic conditions and livelihood security of khadi and village industry workers in Dindigul District of Tamil Nadu

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

A study on economic conditions and livelihood security of khadi and village industry workers in Dindigul District of Tamil Nadu

Dr. S. Pichaipillai and Ms. B. Sarala


This research delves into the intricate tapestry of livelihood security for Khadi and village industrial workers in India, unraveling a complex web of economic, cultural, and social dimensions. In a nation where tradition and modernity coexist, these artisans, weavers, and spinners represent a vital segment of the informal economy, deeply entwined with India's historical and cultural heritage. This study examines the multifaceted challenges they face, including income disparities, employment stability, the impact of economic competition, and the erosion of traditional skills. Regarding methodology, the present study is based on multi-stage random sampling techniques and it involves to collect the primary data analysis, and totally 175 respondents have selected for the present research work. On the other hand, the tools of analysis, the correlation matrix, and ANOVA has employed for the present study. Moreover, the Khadi and village industries are integral components of rural development, offering employment opportunities and contributing to poverty alleviation. The research demonstrates that the challenges faced by these workers mirror broader rural development issues, such as access to education, healthcare, and social security. Integrating these sectors into comprehensive rural development strategies can create holistic solutions that address a range of rural challenges. In essence, the livelihood security of Khadi and village industrial workers is emblematic of India's complex socio-economic landscape. It embodies the spirit of self-reliance, cultural preservation, and rural empowerment.

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