A study on the adoption of the recommended package of practices in chilli by the farmers of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh
International Journal of Development Research
A study on the adoption of the recommended package of practices in chilli by the farmers of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh
A study was taken up with the main objective of identifying and analyzing the adoption of package of practices by the Chilli farmers as recommended by the scientists of ANGRAU. It was conducted in 2013 with a sample of Sixty (60) farmers in the Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Cent per cent of the respondents fell in the category of fully adopted with respect to time of harvest. 80.00 per cent of the respondents fully adopted recommended doses of fertilizers; while the remaining 20.00 per cent fell in the category of partially adopted. 78.33 per cent of the respondents fully adopted recommended dosage of pesticides, followed by partially adopted (21.67%). 76.67 per cent of the respondents fully adopted the recommended number of irrigations; while the remaining 23.33 per cent fell in the category of partially adopted. 68.33 per cent of the respondents fully adopted the recommended varieties in chilli, followed by partially adopted (31.67%). With respect to seed rate, 56.67 per cent of the respondents fell in the category of fully adopted, followed by partially adopted (43.33%). A little more than half of the farmers had medium adoption (53.33%) of recommended package of practices in chilli crop, followed by low (31.67%) and high (15.00%) adoption.