Studies on urban air pollution and its relation to epidermal Structure of ziziphus mauritiana in rewa city

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Studies on urban air pollution and its relation to epidermal Structure of ziziphus mauritiana in rewa city

Riya Shrivastava and Arpana Mishra


The present study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of urban air pollution (air pollutants SPM, RSPM, SO2 and NOX) on epidermal structure of Ziziphus mauritiana growing along the road sides in Rewa city. The monitored values of SPM, RSPM, SO2 and NOX at the sampling sites clearly illustrates that the ambient air of Rewa city is primarily deteriorated by particulate matters (SPM, RSPM) and least by gaseous pollutants (SO2, NOx). The light microscopic studies of Ziziphus mauritiana leaves exposed to urban air pollution showed marked alterations in the micro-morphological parameters. Increase in the number of epidermal cells and decrease in number of per unit area stomata number, length and width of epidermal and stomatal guard cells, stomatal frequency and stomatal index on both dorsal and ventral surface of leaves of polluted sites in comparison to those of control site was observed.These changes in epidermal traits could be an indicator of environmental stress caused due to urban air pollution.

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