Students preference for various types of assessments in anatomy examination

International Journal of Development Research

Students preference for various types of assessments in anatomy examination


Background: The use of variety of different assessment methods has been characteristics of medical education. The aims of this study were to determine the students preference for various types of assessments that form the second MB, BS examination in Anatomy and to know if there is any correlation between these methods. Methods: Performance of 242 students in second MB, BS examination was considered for this study. Four difference assessments were employed; The Essay consists of 5 questions of 20 marks each, Multiple choice questions consist of 100 questions of one mark each, Practical examinations has 50 stations, students rotate from specimen to specimen and are given one minute to answer each question. Oral is directed by the external examiner. The result obtained was analyzed using SPSS version 17. Results: The mean scores for MCQ, Practical, Essay and Oral were 40%, 48%, 47% and 51% respectively. Those who scored <50% in MCQs, practical, essay and oral were; 81.41%, 44.63%, 59.92% and 26.86% respectively. It showed that the students scored maximum mark (80%) in oral followed by essay (74%), practical (72%) and MCQ (68%) in that order. Lowest marks were scored in oral and practical (10%).There was strong positive correlations among the various types of assessments. Conclusion: The students performed best in oral followed by practical, essay and MCQs in that order. The four components of the assessment correlated strongly. This combination of variety of assessment help to minimize the short comings of each one of them and help to bring objectivity to the grading system. Hence multidimensional assessment helps to evaluate the various skills of the students and the objectives of medical education and produce physicians that are both skilled and knowledgeable.

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