A spinal lesion in a young Zambian female patient: A case report
International Journal of Development Research
A spinal lesion in a young Zambian female patient: A case report
Received 08th October, 2017; Received in revised form 27th November, 2017; Accepted 20th December, 2017; Published online 31st January, 2018.
Copyright © 2018, Duncan Mugala and Yasser Elzanaty. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We have come to know that patients who have this type of illness may come in with Neuroblastomas, Synovial sarcoma tumours Or Chondrosarcomas. The Neuroblastomas. These are CNS tumours and they are termed as neuroectodermal tumours. They are usually phenotypically poorly differentiated, or show divergent differentiation along neuronal, astrocytic and ependymal lines. It is a heterogeneous group of embryonal tumours that occur predominantly in children and adolescents and show aggressive clinical behavior (David N. Louis et al., 2007). More about Neuroblastomas is that although it is a childhood cancer, it can also be inherited in some cases, but the genetic aetiology is largely unknown in (Mossé et al., 2008; Diskin et al., 2009). The Synovial sarcomas are is a rare soft tissue tumor of children and adults that is unrelated to synovium and can occur in almost any part of the body. The familiar biphasic synovial sarcoma has discernible glandular or solid epithelial structures, and monophasic forms have characteristic ovoid or spindle cells with only immunohistochemical or ultrastructural evidence of epithelial differentiation (Mackenzie, 1966). By and large Synovial sarcoma is a high-grade tumor that is associated with poor prognosis. Chondrosarcomas are uncommon, particularly of the bones of the hands and feet but Chondrosarcoma of the pelvis is common, comprising approximately 25% of all chondrosarcomas in most large series. In contrast, chondrosarcoma of the sacrum and mobile spine is rare, constituting less than 5% of all cases (Peter Bergh, 2001). Which one a patient presents with one of these tumours is not an easy diagnosis.