Some properties of fuzzy quasi ideals in ternary semigroups

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Some properties of fuzzy quasi ideals in ternary semigroups

Dr. Nagi Reddy, U., Meena Kumari, C. and Dr. Shobhalatha, G.


D.H. Lehmer introduced the theory of ternary algebraic system in 1932 and iIn 1965, F.M. Sioson studied ideal theory in ternary semigroups. In this paper we proved some properties of fuzzy quasi ideals in ternary semigroups. It is prove that “A non-empty subset A of a ternary semigroup T is a quasi ideal in T if and only if the characteristic function CA of is a fuzzy quasi ideal in T ” .

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