A simple technique for hemi epiphysiodesis in children using mosaicplasty system

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

A simple technique for hemi epiphysiodesis in children using mosaicplasty system

Dr. Anant Kumar Tiwari and Dr. Sanchay Lavaniya


Guided growth is helpful in correcting angular misalignments in children. Temporary and permanent hemiepiphysiodesis is a surgical procedure that can correct angular misalignments and provide effective correction. 12.5year old male with bilateral knee valgus deformity was included in this case study. Permanent hemiepiphysiodesis was performed using the Mosiaplasty system.Permanent hemiepiphysiodesis using the Arthex OATS System with a modification of the green approach is a safe and effective method for correcting knee valgus in adolescents.

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