Simple blind clinical study of scaring action in aloe vera as coverage in pressure injuries in hospitalized patients

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Simple blind clinical study of scaring action in aloe vera as coverage in pressure injuries in hospitalized patients

Julliana Dias Pinheiro, Jhenyfer Alves Ribeiro, Kallyna de Oliveira Sousa Rocha and Guilherme Nobre L. do Nascimento


Pressure injuries are a public health problem, with tissue repair being one of the main objectives of clinical intervention. The use of therapeutics based on medicinal herbs has grown over the years in the context of health. In this context, studies involving phytotherapies that collaborate with the healing process are being discussed, among them are those with the use of Aloe vera, which have been seen as a therapeutic option or complement. Objective: To analyze the use of Aloe vera- based coverage for the healing of pressure injuries in hospitalized patients. Method: clinical study, involving 10 individuals from a public hospital in the south of the state of Tocantins (TO), using an instrument for data collection and daily dressing for injuries. Results: he presented ages between 33 and 87 years, 60 % were male, 50% of the brown diet and 60 % declared themselves non-smokers. As for the injury, there was a total of 20 pressure ulcer and 40 % of these with stage 2 staging. The location of the pressure injury that prevailed was the sacral region, 45% and 30% of them had epithelialization. Conclusion will be: It should be noted that the gel the base Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties promoting faster healing. We also found advantages in relation to the cost benefit, since the gel based on Aloe vera has low economic cost and is easily accessible.

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