Service based data handling in mobile cloud computing

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Service based data handling in mobile cloud computing

Imam Mehemud Hasan


Mobile cloud computing is one of major mobile technology trends in the future, since it is the combination of both mobile computing and cloud computing. The mobile cloud computing is trendy because of its effectiveness in mobility of the devices. So, the target to design the Service based Data Handling over Mobile Cloud Computing (SDHMCC) is to provide rich mobile computing through seamless communication between front-users (cloud-mobile users) and end-users (cloud providers) regardless of heterogeneous databases situated at cloud environment. The proposed SDHMCC, as a development and extension of mobile computing (MC) and cloud computing (CC), high mobility has been inherited. Using the proposed methodology, flexibility and scalability, with extra feature database integration and multi-tenancy through the service share ability has been provided to facilitate the on demand data accessing within less overhead. As a whole, the proposed approach is able to handle the cloud data in a more efficient way with better performance.

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