Satisfaction and body image in the elderly person: An integrative literature review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Satisfaction and body image in the elderly person: An integrative literature review

Cesar Augusto Marton; Fernanda Corrêa Galvão Moraes and Romano Deluque Júnior


Regarding issues related to body image, the elderly population presents itself as an object of relevant research, because it has, due to the naturalness of the passage of time, physical and psychological changes that determine the way of observing the own body. Aiming to reflect on the referred problem, the study proposed here aims to investigate the nuances regarding the subject of body image in the elderly that have been discussed in research at the national level, as well as to demonstrate the understandings and conclusions that these research has made it emerge. Thus, an integrative literature review was carried out. The search process used the following descriptors: ‘’ imagem ’’AND‘’ corporal ’'AND‘ ‘idosos’'. The search was based on abstracts in the cases of SciELO and PePSIC search engines, and in full texts in the case of DOAJ. Once the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, the refined results were as follows: 1) SciELO - 6 results; 2) PePSIC - 1 results; and 3) DOAJ - 3 results, totaling 10 works.

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