Sarcocystosis infection of buffalo carcassesin basra governorate- Iraq
International Journal of Development Research
Sarcocystosis infection of buffalo carcassesin basra governorate- Iraq
This study was conducted to determine the macroscopic and microscopic infection with Sarcocystis species. Two hundred buffalo carcasses in the abattoir of Ashar-Basra city were used. The macroscopic and microscopic examination included trichinoscopy method and squeezing method. The esophagus, heart, diaphragm and skeletal muscles were investigated. The results of the present study showed that the incidence of macroscopic and microscopic was 16% and 84.6% respectively, where it was noted that the incidence examine by capillaries telescope was of 77.5% and by squeezing method was 72.2%. It also recorded the high incidence of the disease 95.8% was in the esophagus and the low value in the heart 30.9%,on the other hand the result showed that the highest proportion of macroscopic incidence in an area where the esophagus was 90.4% and the least in the heart, reaching 14.8%. It turns out that the incidence of progressing whenever age where the percentage of incidence buffalo with ages 4 years and over, the microscopic examination was 95.6 and 57.3% in ages under two years. The macroscopic examination infection rate also increased with age and it was 60% in the ages of four years or more, while 1.8% at ages younger than two years.