Risk factors for depression and early maladaptive schemas in adolescents

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Risk factors for depression and early maladaptive schemas in adolescents

Vanega Romero Sally, Castillo Ayuso Ricardo and Yon Valencia Georgina


We conducted a research on risk factors for depression supported by Young's Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMSs) theory on secondary school students in Mérida, Yucatan. It was carried out using a mixed methodology, having as a general objective to design, implement, and evaluate an intervention program aimed at weakening the risk factors for depression in adolescents. It was performed in three phases, first a quantitative measurement was made on a sample of 325 students using the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI), the questionnaire of Risk Factors for Depression and the EMS Questionnaire. It was found that 34.8% had significant symptoms and 12% reported risk factors for depression. In the second phase, the intervention program was implemented on a student. The information received from the intervention was qualitatively analyzed, observing changes in emotion recognition and expression. Finally, a post-test was carried out using the same instruments on said subject to compare the pre- and post-intervention scores. It was concluded that there may be a link between the risk factors for depression considered on this research and the EMS.

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