A Review on Ethno Medical and Biological aspects of Ruellia Tuberose

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

A Review on Ethno Medical and Biological aspects of Ruellia Tuberose

Bharathajothi, P.


Ruellia tuberosa, a perennial herb belonging to the family Acanthaceae, is a member of the third-largest tropical family of dicotyledonous plants, comprising approximately 2500 species, most of which possess medicinal properties. Traditionally, R. tuberosa has been utilized for its antiseptic, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emetic, and purgative properties, and has been employed to treat various ailments, including bronchitis, constipation, bladder stones, cystitis, fever, leprosy, gonorrhea, and other venereal diseases. This study aims to provide an overview of the phytochemical, ethnomedicinal, and biological properties of R. tuberosa, highlighting its importance and potential applications.

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