Renewable Energy With Emphasis On Biodiesel: Environmental Education Through Videos And Simulator

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Renewable Energy With Emphasis On Biodiesel: Environmental Education Through Videos And Simulator

Egle Katarinne Souza da Silva, Edilson Leite da Silva, Luislândia Vieira de Figueiredo and João Paulo Ferreira Lima


The present research had as main purpose to innovate the methodology of approach of the theme on Renewable Energy emphasizing Biodiesel through a didactic sequence applied with 14 students enrolled in the 3rd year of High School, located in the city of Cajazeiras-PB/Brasil. As a methodological resource, two videos and a simulator were used. For data collection was applied a previous questionnaire and after the execution of the didactic sequence, the students answered another questionnaire to check if in fact there was significant learning on the methodology was used. It is classified as an applied research, bibliographical, action-research and quantitative. In the initial questionnaire although 92.9% of the students affirmed have already heard about Biodiesel, they answered some questions in a way incomplete and / or superficial, thus demonstrating the importance of providing them with a better understanding so that their doubts would be healed. When analyzing the data measured in the questionnaire, after the didactic sequence, the students demonstrated in a clear way that they were able to assimilate the content worked in this research, this stays clear when 85.8% of the students affirm to be the transesterification one of the processes most used in the production of Biodiesel.

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