A relevância do índice de katz na avaliação da capacidade funcional do idos

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

A relevância do índice de katz na avaliação da capacidade funcional do idos

Havana A. de Brito Santana,Rodolfo José de Oliveira Moreira, Mariana Borges Sodré Lopes, Májory Vieira Zuza, Valckinara Carreiro Lima, Denise Raquel da Silva Oliveira, Fábio José de Almeida Guilherme, Patrício Francisco da Silva and Larissa Carvalho de Sousa


The Katz scale created by Sidney Katz evaluates the basic activity of daily living in relation to the functional capacity where it performs the instrumentation of six functions, having the performance of qualifying and weighing the dependence level of the elderly by measuring their autonomy or disability, so that, through the result, sanction more effective assistance with supervision, guidance and care essential for the promotion of health of the elderly. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review. Objective: The study aims to analyze the relevance of the Katz index through the assessment instrument in the qualification of the functional capacity of the elderly.

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