The relationship of uterine prolapse and epidemiological factors in a part of tropical Africa
International Journal of Development Research
The relationship of uterine prolapse and epidemiological factors in a part of tropical Africa
Background: We aimed to investigate the relationship between the severity of uterine prolapse and epidemiological factors behind the uterine prolapse. Material and Methods: 4230 patients were analyzed in this study. All the patients were admitted to Nyala Sudan-Turkish Training and Research Hospital. 97 of the all patients had total uterine prolapse and 432 of the all patients had uterine prolapse with the stages other than stage 4. We used the 432 patients as the control group and 97 patients as the study group. We stratified data according to age, parity, history of pelvic surgery, history of cesarean section, reproductive time duration, history of female genital mutilation, and smoking. We compared each groups with the analysis of variance and chi-square test. Results: Reproductive time period was not statistically different between the study group and the control group (36.63 years and 35.95 years, respectively). The mean parity number was not statistically different among two groups. We observed no statistically difference for pelvic surgery and for ceaserian history (P > 0.05). We observed significant statistically difference between two groups, when we compared them according to female genital mutilation history (P < 0.05). Conclusions: We found that advanced age, grand-multiparity and female genital mutilation history are predisposing factors for total uterine prolapse. There are more researches with larger patient populations needed in this field to have a more precise decision and to compare each of the all uterine prolapse stages differently.