Recommended practises for develoing web-based systems

International Journal of Development Research

Recommended practises for develoing web-based systems


It has been found that the conventional software engineering models such as for example Waterfall model, Prototyping, Incremental, Spiral, Rational Unified process (RUP) and Extreme programming (XP) cannot be used directly or not applicable for the development of web based systems. As a result of failure of software engineering models in developing web based systems and at the same time with the increasing expansion of Web applications in their use, as well as the increase in the complexity of their development, several web engineering models and methodologies have been developed and tried during the first years of the 21st century to help developers master the complexity of Web application design and development, but they also failed due to nature of web based systems. This paper aims to introduce the recommended practices and features that each methodology should contains in order to develop web based system successfully.

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