A realidade de usuários acamados em relação ao acesso aos serviços de reabilitação

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

A realidade de usuários acamados em relação ao acesso aos serviços de reabilitação

Arthur de Almeida Medeiros, Fernando Pierette Ferrari, Adriane Pires Batiston and Gustavo Christofoletti


This article aims to get to know the profile of bedridden users and describe how access to rehabilitation services ocurr. This is a population-based cross-sectional study in which bedridden users residing in urban regions with coverage of the family health strategy in the northern health district of Campo Grande / Mato Grosso do Sul were invited to participate. Home interviews were conducted where data on clinical profile, sociodemographic data and on access to rehabilitation services were collected. 283 bedridden users participated in the study, the majority of whom were women (59.7%), with neurological dysfunction (52.7%), class C socioeconomic status (58.0%) and who were not referred to any rehabilitation service (51 ,2%). Physical therapy was the rehabilitation service that received the most demand for referral (89.8%) and it was found that the lack of places and the difficulty of locomotion / transportation were the main limitations both for access to rehabilitation services and for the continuity of care. The results of this study demonstrate the urgent need for (re) structuring the care network for this population.

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