Rare variations in brachial plexus

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Rare variations in brachial plexus

Dr. Preeti Shivshankar Awar and Mr. Harsh Sudhakar Pandey


In the dissection hall while doing routine cadaveric dissection as part of learning human anatomy in a medical college authors noted variations in both sided brachial plexus .On the right side a single cord of brachial plexus was present in a cadaver branching into all nerves to the upper extremity. This cord was related to second part of axillary artery above it. In the left axilla middle trunk was absent, medial cord was absent. Median and ulnar nerve were originating from the posterior cord passing deep to 3rd part of axillary artery. Clinicians should be aware of these variations while doing various invasive and noninvasive diagnostic and surgical interventions in relation with brachial plexus and other structures in vicinity of it.

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