a rare case of mild spontaneous pneumomediastinum associated with lower respiratory tract disease with spontaneous regression

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

a rare case of mild spontaneous pneumomediastinum associated with lower respiratory tract disease with spontaneous regression

Scaramozzino Marco Umberto, Sapone Giovanni, Levi Guido and Plastina Romeo Ubaldo


According to Hammann's pathogenetic hypothesis, later confirmed by Macklin, the rupture of the "marginal alveoli" at the basis of the pathophysiological mechanism underlying spontaneous pneumomediastinum, would be due, among the various hypotheses, to a sudden increase in intra-alveolar pressure which can be generated by an asthmatic exacerbation.This case highlights how spontaneous pneumomediastinum can be successfully managed conservatively and how the incidence of asthmatic exacerbations secondary to lower respiratory tract infections caused by atypical bacteria is common in young sexually active and smoking populations and predisposes to the described clinical condition. The clinical case demonstrates how important it is to hypothesize the pathology when stabbing chest pain is described, to visit the pulmonologist specialist and to carry out educational campaigns against smoking and in favor of protected sex in the younger generations and to carry out primary prevention on the national territory.

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