The quality of orthodontic wires of nickel-titanium: a short review.
International Journal of Development Research
The quality of orthodontic wires of nickel-titanium: a short review.
Received 14th August 2017; Received in revised form 20th September, 2017; Accepted 18th October, 2017; Published online 29th November, 2017
Copyright ©2017, Tatiana S. Spini et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In light of the importance of studying instruments that assess the quality of Orthodontic wires of Nickel-Titanium thermoactivated, this manuscript sought to conduct a systematic review of the techniques used to study of the Orthodontic wires of Nickel-Titanium thermoactivated and duly analyzed its methodology and results. The aim of this manuscript was to review the different techniques of analysis used to study the quality of orthodontic wires and their implications in the thermo-mechanical properties of these materials. The major electronic databases were used for the selection of studies. After the searches with the key words, twenty two a manuscripts were included in this review. Methodological issues of articles were evaluated and discussed. Some common results were highlighted among the studies such as transition of temperature of wires. Among the articles that address the DMA, or DSC and/or three-point bend test, it has been found that the qualities of the strands are still contradictory among researchers. The DMA technique is still little used to disrupt the properties of orthodontic wires.