Proximate, mineral and carotenoid composition of coquinho-azedo flour

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Proximate, mineral and carotenoid composition of coquinho-azedo flour

Gabriel Sthefano Lourenço Pereira, Renata Nolasco Braga Souto, Mariuze Loyanny Pereira Oliveira, José Fábio Soares, Elisângela Elena Nunes Carvalho, Caroline Liboreiro Paiva and Juliana Pinto de Lima


The objective of this work was to elaborate and characterize the flour of this fruit. Whole fruits were sanitized, their pulp removed and sent for drying and later grinding and sifting, giving rise to flour. The product was evaluated for its proximal composition, mineral and carotenoid content. The coquinho-azedo flour showed that it was rich in fibers, source of magnesium and manganese and high contents of copper, carotenoids and vitamin A. Its high lipid content, has a prevalence of unsaturated fatty acids, which can contribute energetically and sensorially in formulations of food products.

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