Prevalence of anemia and associated factors among under five children in bedele hospital, iluababora zone, oromia regional state south weast Ethiopia, 2017
International Journal of Development Research
Prevalence of anemia and associated factors among under five children in bedele hospital, iluababora zone, oromia regional state south weast Ethiopia, 2017
Received 18th August, 2018 Received in revised form 21st September, 2018 Accepted 23rd October, 2018 Published online 30th November, 2018
Copyright © 2018, Abdisa Boka and Dessalegn Nigatu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Back ground: Anemia is major health problem throughout the world. The magnitude of the problem in developing countries high, since they are more exposed to various health and socioeconomic problems which are directly or indirectly related with anemia. Though all age groups can develop anemia due to various factors, under-five children and pregnant women are the most vulnerable age groups. The hemoglobin level below which anemia is considered according to WHO criteria is as follows. The children(6 months -6yrs) their level of hemoglobin were 11gm/dl and the children aged 7yrs -14yrs their hemoglobin measurement were 12gm/dl, the adult male >15yrs their level of hemoglobin were 13gm/dl ,the pregnant female were 11gm/dl those non pregnant female and her level of hemoglobin were12gm/dl. Objective: To assess the prevalence of anemia and associated factors in under five children at Bedele Hospital(BH), Ilubabor zone, Oromia regional state south west Ethiopia 2017. Methods: Institution based cross sectional survey was conducted at Bedele Hospital. All children admitted to Pediatrics ward were included in the study. Data was collected from April 1-30, 2017 by face to face interviews using pre-tested structured questionnaire. Data was processed and analyzed manually using scientific calculator. Descriptive statistics like frequency table, chi-square test of independence was used to characterize disease and associated factors. Tables were used to summarize the finding. Results: Prevalence of anemia in children admitted at BH was high (66.8%). severe anemia is constitute for 3%, moderate and mild anemia contributes 37.1% and 26.7% respectively. Characteristics most strongly associated with anemia were malaria, malnutrition and presence of helminthes. Conclusions: The prevalence of anemia was 66.8%. Mild, moderate and severe anemia was 26.7%, 37.1% and 3% respectively. Recommendation: Considering a high prevalence of anemia. Preventive strategies such as, fortification of food, iron supplementation, antimalarial prophylaxis, follow up clinics, regular screening of hemoglobin level must target all under five irrrespective of their hemoglobin level or clinical status.