Preservação alveolar utilizando prf: relato de caso

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Preservação alveolar utilizando prf: relato de caso

Ademilson Fernando Alencar Cunha, Beverly Del AguilaPacaya Ribeiro, Kemilly Cardoso Andrade, Rebeca Luzia Solarte Barbosa, Rodrigo Marocchio Pavane Mário Jorge Souza Ferreira Filho


With the evolution of dentistry and oral cicatrizationprocesses studies over almost 200 years in Brazil, alveolar preservation, which was sometimes ignored, has currently been widely studied by professionals in the field. The post-extraction alveolar cicatrization has a restoration process with a partially satisfactory result, although in some cases there is a severe loss of bone volume. The aim of this report in question is the post-exodontic alveolar preservation using the PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) technique. A 18 year old patient, male, arrived at the Oral Surgery Clinic of the Centro Universitário do Norte, requesting exodontia of a dental residue and rehabilitation with implants. In the clinical examination it was observed a great loss of tooth structure, which in the future could compromise the functional rehabilitation. It was suggested to the patient an exodontia protocol, followed by the use of the PRF technique, which consists in the removal of the patient's own blood during surgery for a plasma separation process. After the patient's approval, the procedure was performed and the removed blood went through the centrifugation process in two aspects, which made us get the Fibrin and plasma, which after was prepared to receive a layer of synthetic graft. Patient received a prescription with antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs as an indifferent protocol for exodontia of this degree. After a period of 3 months, the patient returned to the clinic with a satisfactory recovery of bone and gingival level. Concluding, therefore, the functional rehabilitation with preservation of alveolus pre dental implant.

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