Predicting enterprise management in agribusiness in India: An analysis from a score of agro-economic and socio-ecological variables

International Journal of Development Research

Predicting enterprise management in agribusiness in India: An analysis from a score of agro-economic and socio-ecological variables


Any kind of enterprise across the world needs a clandestine management intervention. Agribusiness is the simmering character for Indian agriculture for which an interactive design is needed to organize the agribusiness factor production. In most cases farmer makes mistake in allocating resources, rationalizing cost structure and organizing farm operations with financial and managerial skills. This has led to generation of a market glut or plunging market price due to poor quality production. The present paper examines the agribusiness enterprise management as the resultant character to a score of 19 exogenous variables, responsible for elucidating management function and properties in a given enterprise ecology. Multivariate analysis was carried out to understand the complex nature of variable interaction and groupings. The following
variables viz size of holding (x5), Market Interaction (x10) and Decision Matrix (x17) have been found to contribute substantially to uphold an effective agribusiness management.


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