Postoperative complication of thyroidectomy, an interventional study with literature review of previous studies

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
9 pages
Research Article

Postoperative complication of thyroidectomy, an interventional study with literature review of previous studies

Luai Farhan Zghair, Jamal Khalil AL-Qaisy and Mohammed Hussein Mushrif


Postoperative complication of thyroidectomy is a serious problem and should be perfectly managed to decrease the intraoperative and postoperative morbidity and mortality of thyroid surgery. This is an interventional study on 100 postoperative thyroidectomiesd patients were done to them at ALYARMOUK TEACHING HOSPITAL from the period of JANUARY 2016 TO DECEMBER 2017, with literature review of previous studies. Ten patients (10%) unilateral lobectomy with isthmuctomy were done to them, 65 patients (65%) subtotal thyroidectomy were done to them, 20 patients (20%) near total thyroidectomy were done to them and 5 patients (5%) total thyroidectomy were done to them. Ten patients (10%) have single nodule in one lobe, 5 patients (5%) have difrrentiated thyroid cancer, 70 patients (70%) have non toxic multinodular goiter, and 15 patients (15%) have toxic goiter. Sixty eight patients were female (68%) and 32 were male (32%). The female to male ratio was (2.125: 1), The age ranged from (11 to 60) years, with a mean age (30 years + 5 years), the majority being in the 4th decade of life, constituting 33 patients (33%). Sterile surgical arenas, general anesthesia, and improved surgical techniques have made morbidity and mortality from thyroid surgery extremely rare today.

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