Positive management and leadership: contributions to the sustainable development

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
9 pages
Research Article

Positive management and leadership: contributions to the sustainable development

Pedro Henrique Marciano de Souza, Samuel Carvalho De Benedicto, Luiz Henrique Vieira da Silva and Josias Jacintho Bittencourt


Competitive organizations are gradually getting closer to the issue of sustainability management, integrating environmental preservation, social actions, and economic prosperity into their businesses. The sustainability principles must be implemented at three organizational levels: strategic, tactical, and operational. However, there are still gaps in research on sustainable concepts and practices, especially at the strategic and tactical management levels. New studies are needed seeking to integrate management, leadership, and business planning with the spheres of sustainability in its broader scope (environmental, social, and economic), also considering the cultural environment and people development. This study aims to discuss some assumptions and practical actions that contribute to promoting a sustainable organizational environment (economic, social, environmental, and cultural) involving positive leadership, communication, and people development. The research is qualitative and exploratory in nature and will be based on bibliographic and documentary research. The study concludes that the search for goals and improvements in the area of corporate sustainability necessarily involves a change in the mindset of leadership. Employees need to be educated and incorporate the culture of sustainable development, which is practiced daily, and their leaders are the maintainers of this culture. The new leadership must show itself more genuinely engaged with environmentally correct, socially fairer and economically viable forms of production and business. By acting in this way, possibly, in the coming years the corporate environment will play a fundamental role in transforming communities, local development and improving the quality of life for its employees and families.

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