People with disabilities in the context of adult Education

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

People with disabilities in the context of adult Education

Dr. Loukas Moustakas and Tsouloufa Foteini


The field of special education has always been an integral part of the educational process. At the current stage of claiming equal opportunities for education, parallel educational support and equal participation of people with special needs in society, the existence of diverse pedagogical problems and the appropriate formulation of emerging concerns in the ever-changing pedagogical reality strengthen the need for an interdisciplinary effort and cooperation in order to prevent and address learning difficulties and behavioral problems. Based on the objectives of Special Education in children, adolescents and more specifically in adults, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the views and attitudes of educators and learners in adult educational units for people with special needs in Chios. The ultimate goal is for the study's findings to be used in training programs and to assist in the effort to claim equal education and training opportunities for this category of adults. The results of the research show that all the trained instructors stated that there is no specific educational material, according to which a common educational course can be followed to educate learners. Each teacher instructs based on their own personal notes, which of course are in line with the general curriculum of each educational unit and cover the largest percentage of educational needs.

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