Patient safety: nursing practice in antibiotic administration

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Patient safety: nursing practice in antibiotic administration

Rafaella Leal de Godoi Mesquita, Gleiva Letícia Alves Costa, Esp. Tatiana Caexeta Aranha, Me. Meillyne Alves dos Reis, Me Joicy Mara Rezende Rolindo, Me. Glaucia Oliveira Abreu Batista Meireles and Esp. Lígia Brás Melo


Objective: To observe the nursing practice regarding the management of antibiotic therapy. Methods: This is a prospective, longitudinal and observational direct and structured quantitative research of nursing care in patients using antibiotics in a large hospital. Data collection occurred through a structured checklist. The research was approved by the UniEVANGELICA Research Ethics Committee. Results: The analysis obtained 2,811 observations of professionals' actions in the process of preparation, preparation and administration of 150 doses of prescribed antibiotics from 150 medical records. There was a predominance of cephalosporin prescription (24%). The errors found were 03 drug interactions, namely, levofloxacin with hydrocostisone (2%) caused by the nurse's schedule, and ciprofloxacin with hydrocortisone (1%). Labeling errors (n: 120/120). Time errors in administration (88/131), among others. Conclusion: There is a large number of professionals who are losing their good nursing practices.

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