The pathway to Educational Technology: The development of concept map based tool for Student E-Learning

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
24 pages
Research Article

The pathway to Educational Technology: The development of concept map based tool for Student E-Learning

Rabbia Begum, Lin Yi, NaidingYang, John Wiredu and Michael Ngulube


In this contemporary time, the mode of receiving educational instruction is multifaceted.Prior to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, traditional offline classroom learning held greater prominence compared to online or electronic (E-learning) methods.Nevertheless, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, E-learning has gained significant prominence and has established itself as one of the most effective mediums for delivering educational instruction and imparting knowledge to learners. Therefore, E-learning provides students with a new learning mode that is different from offline learning. Students can not only access the online platform anytime and anywhere, but also obtain various forms of learning resources and conduct diverse online and offline learning exchanges with teachers and classmates. However, existing online learning platforms do not provide strong support for revealing the inner relationship of learning content. For example, Tencent classroom, rain classroom and MOOC platforms such as Chinese University MOOCs and Coursera have not seen direct support in this regard.On the other hand, for learners, knowledge visualization technologies represented by mind maps, knowledge maps and concept maps can provide very useful information for personal knowledge management and assisted learning strong support and help.Aiming at the problem that the existing online learning platform lacks the support for knowledge visualization ability, this paper proposes a technical idea to provide online knowledge visualization support.The researcherscollected and utilized learning behavior data based on E-learning platforms. Based on the data gathered, the following E-learning prototype system were designed, implemented and proposed by the study. First,the open-source visualization tool, it provides support for online knowledge visualization. Second, the concept map,it is a special type of knowledge map in the field of education, which can improve curriculum planning and learning effect evaluation, and is conducive to improving teaching quality. In addition, the use of concept map provides knowledge navigation for teachers and students, encourage learners to obtain content and information from various sources and share the process knowledge of learning, and form a better collaborative learning atmosphere. Additionally, the study design and implement a prototype software system that supports map education and learning assessment.

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