O trabalho temporário no serviço público brasileiro: o caso dos bombeiros militares

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

O trabalho temporário no serviço público brasileiro: o caso dos bombeiros militares

Ébano Lameira de Souza, Ricardo Braga de Amorim, Andréa Bittencourt Pires Chaves and Rodolfo Gomes do Nascimento


The objective of the present work was to discuss the proposal for the temporary hiring of firefighters from the perspective of Weberian rationality as an expression of legal domination in the nation-state. The methodology consisted of a documentary research, analyzing, in the light of the Weberian theory, the process concerning the legislation for the admission of new professional firefighters in Brazil. The result showed, as a consequence of the temporary hiring of military firefighters, a possible regression of the rationally oriented system, via public tender, by the ideal type of competence. As a conclusion, the possibility of regression to a system subject to vicissitudes of the personification of authority and its consequences is projected, such as personal favors and sponsorships, endangering the legal rationality of public service in Brazil.

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