O cenário atual de sarscov2 e a saúde ocupacional dos profissionais de enfermagem
International Journal of Development Research
O cenário atual de sarscov2 e a saúde ocupacional dos profissionais de enfermagem
Received 20th June, 2021; Received in revised form 10th July, 2021; Accepted 19th August, 2021; Published online 29th September, 2021
Copyright © 2021, Gabriel Basilio dos Santos et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The pandemic, which caused severe acute respiratory syndrome by the new coronavirus (SARSCov2), appears as a challenge to the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), demanding from health institutions, professionals and public managers, something far beyond all were prepared. In Brazil, the devaluation and precariousness of the work of nursing professionals, characterized by low salaries, lack of a career plan, weakening of employment relationships, high workloads and insufficiency of permanent education actions that target workers , and in the case of a pandemic, greater exposure to risks of contracting the disease. The aim of this study was to review the scientific literature on the impact of the pandemic on occupational health in the nursing category. This is an integrative literature review. To search for knowledge produced on the subject, the following question was formulated: What is the scientific production on occupational health in the nursing category? From the question presented, the main subjects were identified and systematized by the elements: Participant, Interest and Context, a tool known as the PICO strategy (P - Population; I - Interventions; C - Control; O - Outcome). Nursing, forgotten by public and private managers for decades and even devalued by other health professionals, even with the evidence of its importance pointed out during the COVID-19 pandemic, continues without due respect and professional valuation. This profession, which represents the heart of health in all segments and degrees of complexity, from primary care to emergency units, surgical centers, intensive care centers and others, still lacks attention, requiring legal and procedural measures to preserve the physical, mental and social health of this class so important to public health.