Nursing interventions for the diagnosis ineffective breathing pattern: cross-mapping

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Nursing interventions for the diagnosis ineffective breathing pattern: cross-mapping

Alice Bianca Santana Lima, Yara Nayá Lopes de Andrade Goiabeira, Agostinha Pereira Rocha Neta, Marcos Venícios de Oliveira Lopes, Maria Isis Freire de Aguiar, Isaura Letícia Tavares Palmeira Rolim


To perform the cross-mapping of interventions indicated by nurses with those proposed by the Nursing Interventions Classification for the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Breathing Pattern. Methods: this is a descriptive and exploratory study that used the cross-mapping method to map the interventions performed by nurses in a pediatric intensive care unit with those described in the Nursing Interventions Classification for the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Breathing Pattern. Results: nine nurses participated in the study and among the interventions described, two were classified as priorities and seven as suggested. The most frequent activities performed by nurses were: monitoring frequency, rhythm, depth and effort in breathing; removing secretions by stimulating coughing or vacuuming and monitoring the effectiveness of oxygen therapy. Conclusion: the study identifieda use of standardized language in the sector, with implications for care management and the possibility to implement the taxonomy in the unit.

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