Nursing in the hospital accreditation process

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Nursing in the hospital accreditation process

Gabriela Almeida de Caldas, Rosane da Silva Santana, Ana Cristina Rodrigues Machado, Lilia Frazão de Oliveira, Nailde Melo Santos, Monniely Mônica Costa Gonçalves, Wildilene Leite Carvalho, Dolores Helena Silva, Geisangela Sanchas Mendes, Jaiza Sousa Penha, Fernanda de Castro Lopes, Nívia Cristiane Ferreira Brandão Soares, Maria Almira Bulcão Loureiro, Carla Danielle Araújo Feitosa6 and Livia Maria Nunes de Almeida


Introduction: Accreditation is a formal voluntary process by which a recognized body evaluates and recognizes health care organizations that meet previously determined standards in the search for continuous improvement. The logic of the Accreditation is mediated by the comparison of the institutional reality evaluated externally and periodically in the light of previously defined quality standards, determined in a clear and normatized way according to the accrediting methodology adhered to by the country which, in the case of Brazil, is represented mostly by the National Accreditation Organization. Objective: To analyze the nurses' actions to obtain the Hospital Accreditation seal according to the literature. Methodology: This is qualitative research of Integrative Literature Review, The bibliographic survey occurred between November 2019 and January 2020, undertaken in the LILACS, BDENF, and SciELO databases. Articles were included that relate to the proposed theme, published in the period from January 2014 to December 2019, available in full text, in Portuguese and excluded monographs, dissertations and theses. The information extracted in the articles was analyzed through thematic analysis. Results: It was verified that nurses manage the assistance and administration service, identifying problems and applying the necessary corrections in order to maintain, improve or modify the assistance to the client, depending on the needs presented; participates actively in decisional, strategic and operational moments of various health care environments; develops decisive actions for the implementation and permanence of the Accreditation seal, such as, assistance nature actions, administrative nature actions, pedagogical nature actions and scientific nature actions. Conclusion: The performance of nursing is highlighted on the way to hospital accreditation, performing activities of relevance for obtaining positive results.

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