Nursing assistance to victims of transit accidents in a public hospital of the kite of the bico do papagaio – To

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Nursing assistance to victims of transit accidents in a public hospital of the kite of the bico do papagaio – To

Rayllany Matos Soares, Dennis Gonçalves Novais, Lílian Natália Ferreira de Lima, Priscila Gonçalves Jacinto Figueredo, Adriano Figueredo Neves, Hanari Santos de Almeida Tavares, Arla Raquel Saraiva Zanin Bruno, Catilena Silva Pereira and Maria Adenilda da Silva


The nursing professionals of the emergency room are fundamental elements in the work process of this sector, not only when they perform emergency care, but because their activities directly influence the reduction of secondary damage to Patients in emergency situations. In view of the above, the study aimed to analyze the quality of care provided by the nursing team to victims of traffic accidents. This is a qualitative-quantitative, exploratory study, using field research, based on the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. Data were collected in the month of April, 2016. The study sample consisted predominantly of the female gender, by nursing technicians, and the age group from 26 to 30 years, with 11 years or more of training, who have been working between 1 and 2 years. Most interviewees do not have specialization and complementary training in urgency and another negative aspect refers to the lack of protocols and a red room to meet situations with imminent life risk.The time of attendance to the accident victim is de1 minutes and the team interacts with each other and another problematic refers to the inadequate physical structure and lack of equipment and materials. It is concluded that for the good care of the service and for a qualified and humanized care, it is essential that the professionals who work in the hospital in study require the municipal manager better working conditions, in order not to compromise the Quality of service.

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